Saturday, January 20, 2007

Discovery Weekend: My personal experience in 2005

This is the first export of one of my blogs in spymac website. Since this is about discovering your partner before marriage. I want to start with this blog to be reposted here in blogger. So just to note those reading this that my review was in year 2005. I hope it will be helpful to those who are contemplating to be married. I highly recommend you undergo this seminar.

It has been a week after my girlfriend and I underwent a reflection for couples under this program. Discovery weekend is a program for individuals who have plans of settling down and want to know more about their future or would be better half. Their website at discovery weekend explains fully the goals of the program.

They are located in Quezon City (within the area of Gotesco Mall while going to Fairview). Couples come in on Friday night and finish the seminar on a Sunday afternoon.

It is quite extensive since the seminar starts right after the Friday dinner. This of course includes the whole of Saturday up to the evening. This is culminated with a Sunday mass in the afternoon.

What is interesting about the program is that topics are given which initially deals with oneself, then between you and your partner and followed by topics that concern about the couple and God. This is for me important in order for each couple to fully understand each other.

The format of each topic initially presents the basics of developing a better relationship depending on the topic discussed followed by couples who share their experience with the participants. This is definitely very unselfish and brave on my point of view because this definitely exposes the couple of their personal issues. Wow! I definitely admire them.

After the couples share, the participants are given time to reflect on the topic through questions given to them, after which they then discuss their reflections to their partner.

Personally, the whole weekend for me is very helpful and fulfilling. Of course it takes two to make it a successful one.

Most of the participants are engaged couples that already have a schedule for their wedding. But this is actually designed also for individuals who need a better way of knowing their future partner i.e. if they are really compatible with each other. This of course helps such couples know how to deal better their issues even before they get married.

The males and females have separate quarters and each share the room with another participant. Those who join are usually 24 to 30 couples. The accommodations are very basic with bathrooms for each room. Do not expect a 5 star type accommodation so if you need extra pillows, you should bring your own.

How I just wished that they had some hot water during the morning bath. It is quite cold and how I can imagine it during the colder months.
I also hope in future sessions that they be able to ask the participants for food preferences or allergies. My girlfriend unfortunately was unable to eat one of the main foods during dinner due to an allergy on shrimps.

Overall, the seminar experience is quite exceptional, thanks to the main facilitators under Dr. Allan and Maribel Dionisio. As for the accommodations and food it is okay but again that is not why we went there in the first place.

So if you are seriously planning to settle down it is highly recommended you undergo this weekend seminar. Just make sure you register way ahead of time since they get fully booked quite fast. At 4,800 pesos (during the time of this writing) for two, this is definitely a must do pre-nuptial relationship enhancement.

To contact them see the info below:
Phone number: 426-1271
Contact person: Lala Denilla

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